Prospectus completed the initial web-site revamp for Windswept Sales and Service Based in Mt. Pleasant SC, a suburb of Charleston, they provide custom logo, apparel, embroidery and specialty products to a large array of businesses. We were able to completely upgrade their old web-site with a crisp new WordPress site complete with a new ‘dot-com’ URL. The work was completed in less than a week using most of the graphics available from the old site. Karen, the site’s proud new owner, is already trained in using the simple ‘posting’ platform in WordPress. Originally the site had minimal exposure with Google (in fact is was hard to find if you knew the url). It scored just a 13 on Hubspot’s website grader the new site immediately ranked at 53 on the web-site grader (how well does your site rank? Check it out This rating should steadily increase with ‘fresh relevant content,’ new keywords and constant SEO work. See our ‘What Google’s Panda algorithm means for your web-site‘ and what these site improvements will do for their Google page rankings. If you have a stale web-site that needs an upgrade, please contact us and you can be a proud web-site owner too.
Prospectus is putting the finishing touches on a new social network site called The site is designed for the alumni of Riverside Military Academy based in Gainesville Ga. The name comes from the non-endearing name given the students by the local “town boys” – ‘river rats’ or more commonly just ‘rats’. Many of the active alumni attended school during the Vietnam War, a time when short-haired young men in uniforms were not welcome, hence the derogatory name. It didn’t help that the local “town girls” also love a man in uniform. At a recent homecoming it was decided that it would be better to preserve some of the stories frequently tossed around the bar. The site is designed to allow all rats to register an account. After receiving a confirming e-mail, they can contribute stories, upload photos & videos, and comment on existing stories in a manner very similar to facebook. This type of site is ideal for clubs, homeowner associations and other groups that want to keep an active dialogue. Please contact us if you or your club or organization could benefit from your own ‘social media’ web-site.
Prospectus launches web-site for Delightful Hoops, LLC based in Jacksonville, Fl. They provide hula-hoops with embedded LEDs and batteries that change colors and flash in various sequences. The web-site is an on-line store where their customers can select these custom crafted hula-hoops. These products appeal to a niche of young adults, especially young women, who attend concerts like burning man & Wanee Festival. Their web-site also links to their facebook page which especially reaches the younger audiences. Prospectus developed both the web-site and the facebook page with custom graphics and launched both simultaneously. The facebook page is completely integrated with their web-site and post to their web-site are automatically posted to their page. There are some great photos on the facebook page showing the tantalizing visual effects of viewing twenty-eight Dragonfly Style LEDs, on their Rhythms’ Rainbow Hoop, in motion on a dark night. If you have a product you would like to sell on-line please read our Are you held-hostage by your web-designer? or contact Prospectus Web Development and see quickly and afford-ably you can be on-line. We are wishing great things for delightfulhoops and hear rumors that they are working on a new more advanced product.
Are you stuck with an old ‘static’ web-site you would like to upgrade? Prospectus can change your site into a modern, crisp WordPress site in no time. Using your existing graphics, photographs and page hierarchy your new site can be quickly updated. Your new WordPress site lets you update it with new testimonials, before & after photographs and recent success stories. You don’t have to be held hostage by your web designer or pay anyone to keep your site’s content fresh. We also create a facebook page and synchronize your web-site to automatically upload posts to your page. (If you already have a facebook page we will set-up the synchronization.) We can upgrade your graphics in-house to coordinate the look of your web-site and facebook pages. We also design your web-site to easily interface with mobile devices. Thirty-five (35%) of Americans have smart phones and 7% of all web searches are from mobile devices; if your site was developed more than a couple of years ago, it is probably unfriendly to mobile devices. There are a lot of other features automatically included in all of our web-sites, you can see additional details at ‘What we do‘. You can be completely upgraded in no time and pay us over time! That’s right, we’ll fix your site now and let you pay us over several months … contact Prospectus now to catch all the details of our limited time offer at contact-us.

Tired of being “held hostage” by your web-designer? Have a great product you would like to sell on-line but don’t want to pay exorbitant web-site development fees or monthly license fees? We build custom crafted web-sites that you can easily maintain. Built on the WordPress platform, all sites are as easy to maintain as “writing a story.” The fact that Google likes the WordPress platform means your site is likely to rise in search-engine ranking, bringing a steady flow of customers to your site. The site is an example of our on-line store. You can have an unlimited number of products, each of them ‘featured’ in the front page slider box. Each product can have six individual photos (colors, front/back, close-ups, etc.) and two types of ‘check out’ variations (size, color, quality/materials, etc.) and different shipping costs. The site has a lot of movement; the ‘slider box’ rotates through all the products and when the viewer clicks on a product, it moves to the ‘slider box’ and rotates through the six product photos. (see for yourself If you have an idea that you think will sell on-line, contact us and see how affordable our on-line store can be.

From the standpoint of the Google, Ask or Bing “bots” that patrol the web looking for new web-sites information to index, they don’t know the difference between WordPress, HTML or PHP coding. They all look the same to a “software program” that seeks information on the web. What they do look for, especially Google, is “current content. ” Is the site offering new relevant content for their web customers to read? After all their job is to quickly provide you with the information you are seeking. The beauty of WordPress as a CMS (Content Management System) is that it is built on a “blogging” platform. Writing a blog is so ingrained that the user is encouraged to write stories. Stories are the very definition of “current, relevant content” and exactly what the customer is looking for. In an effort to deliver what their customers are searching for, it is exactly why Google will rank the page higher than static web-sites.
A WordPress store builds on the blogging foundation making each product the store offers an individual “post” (story). Not only does it provide the opportunity to publish the story to a host of on-line publications, it also offers an opportunity to use unique key-words for each product. Lot’s of “custom coded stores” offer similar features, they just don’t make it as easy or as fundamental to the management of the store. Writing a blog for every product keeps current, relevant content posted at the store and helps the “bots” keep the stores page ranking naturally higher.
If you have a product you would like to sell on-line, contact us and see how affordable an on-line store can be!