Prospectus Web Facebook Link
Mar 052013

Prospectus just completed the second iteration of the Group4 Autosport web-site with an enhanced focus for their specialized products. Group4 makes performance aerodynamic parts for the Mini-Coopers. As race aficionados they have learned how to make their cars work with the air they are moving trough. By splitting and channeling air around the Minis, they create impressive performance gains without having to increase engine horsepower. Group4 offer an affordable, do-it-yourself upgrade for the Minis and they give them that customized racecar look.

For those of you familiar with the Prospectus process, after the ‘demo site’ is up and running there are several iterations of design, review, critique and redesign. The second iteration is usually more complete and focused than the demo site. This site is no exception; Group4’s redesigned site is very focused on their specialized products.

Do you have a great idea or product? Let’s build a great site for you, contact us here.