Print advertising is a powerful way to get new customers however, clients sometimes miss the opportunity to leverage their advertising content on their website. They also don’t understand the impact of the print publishers on-line version of their magazine. The publisher will publish the client’s content free of charge on the on-line edition of the magazine. In this case the website content was published after the print ad was published. Coincidentally, that marketing director is no longer with the firm!
It is important to understand that Google, Bing and the other search engines will index every word published on your website. (We use tools to notify them that new content has been published on the site.) Publishing the content on the website BEFORE the print ad is scheduled to run gives the search engines an opportunity to index the content and extract the keywords. When a reader of the ad wants more information and uses a browser to search, the prior indexing makes it more likely they will land on the correct site. If the content is not published on the client’s website, it is very likely that the visitor will find themselves on the Print Publisher’s on-line edition (website.) Unless the client publishes first, it is the print publisher’s content that will have indexed by the search engines. Adding insult to injury, Google will often penalize a website for publishing duplicate content. The first publisher is considered the owner of the content. By not publishing first the client looses both the indexing advantage and is likely demoted on the search results due to the duplicate content penalty.
Publishing before the ad is run provides an opportunity to create a special landing page. More importantly, that provides an opportunity to include the landing page URL in the print ad. Now when the reader types the URL in their browser, it will take the visitor to a page designed just for them.
Understanding how Google, Bing and the other search engines use and index content will allow the best use of all media. Print publishers offer access to thousands of potential customers however, it is essential to publish the same content you are paying for on your site first to insure the that web visitors will find your site.
It probably helps to engage web designers that understand the entire process.
This Article was published by The Post & Courier on Jan 17, 2015 and reproduced here
Insulsteel Panels are lighter, stronger and more energy efficient than all other traditional building materials
Lives Better. Works Better. Lasts Better.
Local company taking the art and science of building energy-efficient homes to new level using steel reinforced insulated panels
Amerisips, headquartered on Daniel Island, already has claimed an array of national honors for homes it has built with Structural Insulated Panels, or SIPS. SIPs have been around since the days of Frank Lloyd Wright. Amerisips is using modern technologies to advance the science of the building envelope. Insulsteel structures are precision-cut, steel reinforced boards bedded in 5.5” to 7.5” inches of high-density, expanded polystyrene foam advancing traditional SIPS panels to a new level of strength, insulation rating and durability.
Amerisips Homes, owned by Steve and Tina Bostic, is designing and building homes with Insulsteel, an innovative SIPS product that can
– Built to withstand winds up to 200 MPH+
– Insulation values ranging from R-40 to R-60
– Indoor air quality certification by the EPA
– DOE Zero Energy Ready Home certification
– Water, mold and mildew resistant
– Fire-rated wall and floor system available
The Bostics are determined to continue their passion for building energy efficiency in the home design/building industry, with their Insulsteel “Innovation Inside” philosophy of building better buildings. Chief Architect of the DOE, Sam Rashkin, has named Amerisips to his prestigious list of “one of the top 1% of builders in the U.S.” Rashkin also said “That Amerisips was selected as a Winner of the 2014 Department of Energy Housing Innovation Awards is a significant achievement and testimony to the company’s outstanding commitment to proven

“There is no comparison to a house built with Insulsteel Panels,” Steve Bostic commented. “This is basically a better built and safer house to live in as there’s no mold, no mildew or issues with air born pollutants.” Additionally, “Amerisips is pioneering the use of non-combustible, Magnesium Oxide (MGO) panel exterior and interior cladding to significantly reduce home fire hazards which damage or destroy 350,000 homes annually. MGO is non-toxic and has been used in Austral-Asian market construction for over 400 years. He added that a home built with Insulsteel panels as part of Amerisips’ innovative EcoShell infill system can cut energy costs to as little as $300 annually. Designed and built to produce a consistent and comfortable temperature and humidity level, all but eliminates indoor dust and other air born allergens and pollutants.
“There are virtually no air leaks in Insulsteel buildings,” Bostic said. “They are airtight and utilize Unico’s Inverter Series heating and air system, which delivers indoor air quality that meets certification requirements by the EPA’s Indoor airPLUS program.”
“Insulsteel homes are so well insulated that the heat and air system demand is reduced by
The Insulsteel structures system’s load-bearing strength is more than 10 times greater than a stick-built house and can withstand winds of up to 200 mph. That can mean the difference between surviving a category 4 hurricane with minimal damage and having your home scattered across the Lowcountry.

Amerisips homes built with Insulsteel provide other advantages besides durability, comfort and energy efficiency. For example, instead of traditional sheetrock, the interior walls can be made of magnesium oxide, a non combustible material for homeowners looking for lower insurance rates to go along with their miniscule energy bills.
Bostic pointed out that you can put just about any finish on the outside of the home, from cedar shakes to Hardie Board – a popular brand
Amerisips, which has been building homes with SIPS for nearly a decade, can complete average size Insulsteel homes in as little as five to six months, in large part because precision built panels arrive at the home site as a kit of precision built parts with chases already in the walls for electrical and cable wiring and for the plumbing.
Bostic pointed out that Amerisips is able to use its system to build houses that are affordable and can fit just about any budget, from $250,000 to $2.5 million. And though the company is quite capable of creating a 10,000-square-foot luxury residence, Amerisips also would like to grab a share of the “tiny house” market that is already booming in many parts of the country. Across the United States, people are moving into small but practical homes from 200 SF to 1000 SF. Amerisips recently built a 200-square-foot home, in about five days, that will on display at the Charleston Home + Design Show Jan. 23-25.