July & August saw a migration of the Walls Evolve (wallsev.com) website to a new VPS hosting account. During the transition, there were several updates to the site. The site has continued to gain traffic and the VPS hosting will make it more responsive.
New ads were developed to promote the site’s ability to create perfectly sized Facebook headers, Google + headers and Twitter headers. Visitors can cut the headers from any image on the site. There are thousands of high quality images on the Walls Evolve site to choose from.
Most of our posts have a ‘live mini site’ of the website to see a live demonstration. Special code in both websites prevent using iframes to display the live site. If you would like to see either site just click on their images.
Snapshot of the Wallsev Home Page
Hover to Enlarge

New ads were developed to promote the site’s ability to create perfectly sized Facebook headers, Google + headers and Twitter headers. Visitors can cut the headers from any image on the site. There are thousands of high quality images on the Walls Evolve site to choose from.
Most of our posts have a ‘live mini site’ of the website to see a live demonstration. Special code in both websites prevent using iframes to display the live site. If you would like to see either site just click on their images.
Hover to Enlarge

We also moved her sister site, Wallsmax to the same VPS account. When our client acquired WallsEv website in the Fall of 2014 it was developed with another theme. We tried several wallpaper themes before settling on the theme seen here. We developed new WallsMax website to test the different themes. Once the testing was complete we transferred the theme to the active WallsEv site. We left the WallsMax site alone and concentrated our efforts on the highly rated WallsEv site. Fast forward a couple years, Wallsmax has continued to gain traffic. Wallsev has an Alexa rank under 1 million at 979,423. While not nearly as well rated, WallsMax has an Alexa rating of 5,606,000.
This is a sufficient rank to leave the site active, let her continue to gain and then offer her in the website marketplace.
Snapshot of the Wallsmax Home Page
Hover to Enlarge

This is a sufficient rank to leave the site active, let her continue to gain and then offer her in the website marketplace.
Hover to Enlarge