Prospectus developed this new animated landing page for the Rock and Roll Paradise website. The landing page leads to the home page that offers a mosaic of deceased rock & roll stars … rock stars now in paradise. The site is a tribute to the many rockers who are no longer here but whose music will never be forgotten.
This was a fun project using a large animated gif to create the special effect. The images are seen behind a black screen with the site name cut out. After experimenting with several speeds, we set the images to play as fast as possible. We also tried this as an mpg file but the file size grew too large. With an gif image size of 800px by 700px we were able to get the file size down to under 1,000 KB (997 KB). The number of R&R stars also had to be kept relatively small. We found the effect was more dramatic by alternating between black & white and color images. The image is set as a background image and the display size has bet set to ‘cover’ making it span any device.
Snapshot of the Animated gif on the Landing Page
Hover to enlarge

The actual page is displayed on the right. The only other elements on the landing page are an entry button into the website, a YouTube channel link and the footer. We overlaid a large transparent png file to make the entire image a hot link into the website. Beside the dramatic visual ‘welcoming,’ the landing page is designed to distinguish traffic flow thought the website. Tracking cookies tell us how many visitors to the landing page actually entered into the site. You can visit the landing page here or visit the home page here that features a mosaic of Rock & Roll stars. The website has a bio page for each rock star that are accessed from the home page mosaic. Given the rate of recent passing, this site is a herculean effort to keep current.
This was a fun project using a large animated gif to create the special effect. The images are seen behind a black screen with the site name cut out. After experimenting with several speeds, we set the images to play as fast as possible. We also tried this as an mpg file but the file size grew too large. With an gif image size of 800px by 700px we were able to get the file size down to under 1,000 KB (997 KB). The number of R&R stars also had to be kept relatively small. We found the effect was more dramatic by alternating between black & white and color images. The image is set as a background image and the display size has bet set to ‘cover’ making it span any device.
Hover to enlarge

The actual page is displayed on the right. The only other elements on the landing page are an entry button into the website, a YouTube channel link and the footer. We overlaid a large transparent png file to make the entire image a hot link into the website. Beside the dramatic visual ‘welcoming,’ the landing page is designed to distinguish traffic flow thought the website. Tracking cookies tell us how many visitors to the landing page actually entered into the site. You can visit the landing page here or visit the home page here that features a mosaic of Rock & Roll stars. The website has a bio page for each rock star that are accessed from the home page mosaic. Given the rate of recent passing, this site is a herculean effort to keep current.