Jan 172016
Prospectus created a new Video Landing Page for the EABC Network (European American Business Club) seen here to the right. The video, posted to YouTube, offers no message and is overlaid with a dark screen to help focus on the ‘entry buttons” and summary text..
Our client had a hard time understanding why we developed a special landing page. “Why not just use the home page as the landing page?” “It is all about the stats.” A specialized landing page can help web developers differentiate between traffic that finds the site by ‘search’ vs. being directed to the site by links. The EABC uses Mailchimp announcements to invite its members to their meetings. That traffic is directed to eabcnetwork.com/home. When we study the traffic analytics, we can see the number of hits on the landing page and the number of hits on the ‘home’ page. We can assume that a large number of hits on the home page have been directed there by the link from the mailers, especially if the they did not come through the landing page. Likewise, we can assume that most of the hits on the landing page are from search engine traffic. The members have no use for the landing page, it is just an extra click to get to the details of the meeting announcements.
Snapshot of the Video Landing Page
Hover to Enlarge

This granularity in the statistics provides some interesting insight. Analyzing six months of traffic, the home page received just 9% of the site’s traffic. Those users spent over 6 minuets on the site and visited 7.6 pages. The bounce rate was just 2.8%. You should also understand, staying on the page (ie. not clicking to another page) is considered a ‘bounce.” The meeting information is published on the home page.) In contrast, 30% of the traffic entered on the landing page and had a 40% bounce rate. (There are several member profiles and individual posts that also received a fair amount of landing traffic.)
Without the landing page, the statistics would be clouded yielding an average bounce rate. The question for our client: are the members effectively using the site. With the landing page data separated from analysis, they clearly are. Special landing pages are not for every site. In this case, the landing page help this small organization differentiate its member’s traffic from all traffic.
If you would like to visit the landing page click here or see the member’s home page click here.
Our client had a hard time understanding why we developed a special landing page. “Why not just use the home page as the landing page?” “It is all about the stats.” A specialized landing page can help web developers differentiate between traffic that finds the site by ‘search’ vs. being directed to the site by links. The EABC uses Mailchimp announcements to invite its members to their meetings. That traffic is directed to eabcnetwork.com/home. When we study the traffic analytics, we can see the number of hits on the landing page and the number of hits on the ‘home’ page. We can assume that a large number of hits on the home page have been directed there by the link from the mailers, especially if the they did not come through the landing page. Likewise, we can assume that most of the hits on the landing page are from search engine traffic. The members have no use for the landing page, it is just an extra click to get to the details of the meeting announcements.
Hover to Enlarge

This granularity in the statistics provides some interesting insight. Analyzing six months of traffic, the home page received just 9% of the site’s traffic. Those users spent over 6 minuets on the site and visited 7.6 pages. The bounce rate was just 2.8%. You should also understand, staying on the page (ie. not clicking to another page) is considered a ‘bounce.” The meeting information is published on the home page.) In contrast, 30% of the traffic entered on the landing page and had a 40% bounce rate. (There are several member profiles and individual posts that also received a fair amount of landing traffic.)
Without the landing page, the statistics would be clouded yielding an average bounce rate. The question for our client: are the members effectively using the site. With the landing page data separated from analysis, they clearly are. Special landing pages are not for every site. In this case, the landing page help this small organization differentiate its member’s traffic from all traffic.
If you would like to visit the landing page click here or see the member’s home page click here.